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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

Monroe @ Monona Grove
Oct. 10, 2017

Monona Grove's record put them at the top of their division and Monroe's record put them at the bottom of their division. With of these factors, the Monroe players were respectful of the other team. They often stopped to help up a Monona Grove player who slipped in the mud. The Monroe players were respectful of the officiating crew. I don't once recall a Monroe player arguing a call not in their favor. The Monroe players were having fun and playing a solid game of soccer in adverse conditions. All of the Monroe players thanked the officiating crew and some of the Monona Grove players after the game. It was an honor to officiate the game and an honor to work with a group of athletes who displayed excellent sportsmanship and who represented their school and the WIAA in an exceptional manner.

Reporting Official:  Jason Cram

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Luxemburg-Casco @ Wrightstown
Oct. 6, 2017

This game exhibited everything that is good with high school athletics. The coaches and players were all very sportsmanlike in their behavior throughout the entire game.  This was a big game for both teams and all involved played a hard fought contest. Players from both teams would extend a hand to their opponent to help them up after being tackled. The coaches from both teams were excellent also.  These teams provided a great impression of their school communities.

Reporting Official:  Al Wenig

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Bloomer @ Hayward/Lac Courte de Reilles
Oct. 6, 2017

The rain did not dampen the excitement and hard work the communities put into enjoying the game and teaching fine sportsmanship. Our crew was impressed with the actions of the coaches. They were organized, and the players were disciplined.  The coaches were respectful to their players, peers and officials.  Coaches made the most of the teachable moments and changing players’ behavior. This was seen several times by both sidelines, but none more important than Coach O’Brien addressing an issue of one of his players immediately.  Also, coaches politely made comments recognizing the positive acts of the officiating crew, as well as indicating issues they may have with plays. The players were spirited and treated the opposing team with respect. Players helped opposing players off the turf and positively acknowledged the efforts of the other team. There was no jawing back and forth among players, and there was never a negative comment said about the other team.  The backs found the umpire and gave the ball to the official immediately so he could keep it dry.  If the backs didn’t, two Hplayers would always pick up the ball and hand it to the umpire. Congratulations Coach O’Brien and Coach Post for the hard work coaching and the fine job of educating our youth on the importance of positive sportsmanship.  We wish both of your teams the best of success!

Reporting Official:  Shawn Umland

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Darlington @ Cambridge
Sept. 22, 2017

My crew would like to commend the sportsmanship displayed by both schools during this hard fought contest on Friday. The coaches and players displayed exemplary sportsmanship throughout the contest. This was truly an honor to officiate this contest. Thank you for the opportunity! Also to be commended was the hospitality that Mr. Mr. Klingbeil and his staff at Cambridge High School provided us throughout the evening. Best of luck to both Cambridge and Darlington High Schools the rest of the season!

Reporting Official:  Chris Nicholson

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

Wayland Academy @ Columbus
Sept. 18, 2017

Columbus showed excellent sportmanship in a game that was controlled by Wayland Academy.  No contesting of any call. The team was very good sports during each of the goals scored against them and just played to their ability.  They are to be commended.

Reporting Official:  Steven Melendez


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