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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus – Football

Black River Falls @ Gale-Etttick-Trempealeau
Sept. 20, 2024

My crew wants to compliment the coaching staffs of both G-E-T and Black River Falls. Both Head Coach Paul Anderson of G-E-T and Head Coach Adam Yirkovsky of Black River Falls and their coaching staff members maintained a very professional composure and approach when discussing rules applications, scenarios, and game administration needs throughout the game. The game was close, players played hard, and at any time emotions could have taken over. The head coaches of both teams worked with us and displayed a true approach to sportsmanship, being leaders of their respective districts leading their young men on the field as an extension of the classroom. It was a commendable effort for a job well done by both staffs.

Reporting Official:  Ken Pearson

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

St. Croix Central @ Superior
Sept. 21, 2024

Nearing the end of a closely contested game, I made two decisions on the field which could easily have caused angst for the St. Croix Central bench. The St. Croix Central head coach, Jacob Langer, supported sportsmanship in the game by strongly keeping his bench settled in a way that also settled the fans. This went a long way to getting both teams to complete the game in a sporting manner. After the game Coach Langer and I also discussed my decisions in a respectful way. He expressed how the restart was confusing from his point of view. This polite interchange led me to consider how I might better have communicated what was happening.     

Reporting Official:  David Walpole

Sportsmanship Plus – Football

Spencer/Columbus @ Wittenberg-Birnamwood
Sept. 22, 2024

This letter is to recognize the outstanding sportsmanship showcased by the Wittenberg-Birnamwood and Spencer-Columbus football programs. We must acknowledge the outstanding hospitality Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School provides its officials. The communication and positive treatment by Chris Nier and the staff is impeccable. We also would like to acknowledge the outstanding sportsmanship illustrated by both teams’ coaching staff. Coaches were positive in their tactics and communicated well with officials. We were also grateful how well the coaches kept their sidelines clean. The players worked hard for their coaches and were positive with each other. Players asked good questions and accepted the answers from officials. On the line of scrimmage, players were optimistic with their words and actions and helped each other off the turf. The field was in great shape, the chain gang extremely competent, the announcer positive, the clock operator accurate, fans positive and constructive, and the athletic trainers caring and attentive to both teams. Also, we would like to highlight the efforts of the ball people; they did a great job following officials, rotating balls, and staying attentive throughout the entire contest. Congratulations to Coach Rieck and Coach Gorst for the positive behavior of their coaching staff and players. We applaud the communities of Wittenberg-Birnamwood and Spencer-Columbus for their educational and coaching leadership.  It takes time and effort to train our youth on the importance of education, sports, and leadership, and we are grateful for your commitment to positive sportsmanship.    

Reporting Official:  Shawn Umland

Sportsmanship Plus – Football

La Crosse Central @ Onalaska
Sept. 13, 2024

My crew wanted to extend their greatest compliments to both Onalaska and La Crosse Central on a game well-played and where the sportsmanship shined between two rival squads. Throughout, both teams' players, coaches and fans maintained a high level of sportsmanship excellence. The players hit hard and helped each other up, returned to their huddle, and stayed focused on the football at hand. Coach Mitch and Coach Tom and their respective staffs worked well with the wing officials, asked appropriate questions, and maintained a calm composure throughout the entire game.

Reporting Official:  Ken Pearson

Sportsmanship Plus – Boys Soccer

Racine Horlick @ Sheboygan North
Sept. 14, 2024

Racine Horlick behaved above and beyond my expectations. They just played soccer. There was no name-calling, no arguing, just soccer. An ice cream vendor came strolling by near the end of the game during the 80+ degree afternoon. I told the captain from Racine Horlick how good that would be to have some after the game. He and his teammates were ecstatic when I told them I would buy them some as a thank you for being on their best behavior throughout the game. I handed the vendor the payment before leaving. Thank you Racine Horlick for making my day!

Reporting Official:  Mike Walsh


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