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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Homestead @ Port Washington
May 10, 2023

I had the privilege of being the plate umpire for a conference baseball game between Homestead and Port Washington. I was greatly impressed by the sportsmanship of both teams. The catchers were great to work with. The coaches were excellent. All in all, it was a very enjoyable baseball game to call.

Reporting Official:  Jason Piittmann

Sportsmanship Plus - Track & Field

Arrowhead Myrhum Track & Field Invitational
May 6, 2023

I want to take the time to congratulate and thank Chris Herriot, Ryan Mangan and the Arrowhead staff for the tremendous job they did in hosting the Myrhum Track and Field Invitational on Saturday, May 6. In an event that had active and far reaching participation from across our state their tireless efforts created a great venue for boys and girls to participate in a highly competitive meet that delivered on all levels for athletes, coaches, families and the track and field community. The communication prior to the meet and at the meet was on point in helping athletes, coaches and fans to best enjoy this outstanding meet. Meet officials did an excellent job keeping the meet moving and all seemed to be very proactive and athlete friendly as they administered the meet. We at Janesville Parker sincerely appreciated this competition and we know that it took a collaborative effort from all involved to make it the memorable event that it was for our student athletes. Thank you to the Chris Herriot and the ARROWHEAD team for a job well done!

Reporting Individual:  Joe Dye

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Little Chute @ Waupaca
May 4, 2023

Both the Little Chute and Waupaca school administrators should be very proud of their varsity baseball programs, both the players and coaches, for their display of positive sportsmanship during a recent contest. Kyler Marquardt and Tyler Fischer of Little Chute and Riley Bechard amd Zack Mondello of Waupaca were obvious leaders of their teams, especially in showing respect for opponents as well as helping retrieve bats and foul balls during the contest. They offered many encouraging words to all involved, including some timely positive feedback for a newer umpire. All were noticeably appreciative of their coaches, teammates and umpires. Great job guys and best of luck the rest of the season!

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Roncalli @ Brillion
April 28, 2023

It is wonderful to see student athletes exhibit positive acts of sportsmanship before, during, and after a varsity baseball game, especially on a glorious afternoon at Shimek Field in Brillion. Roncalli’s Jack Hyde and Victor Anzia, as well as Brillion’s Bryar Foytik and Austin Meyer, exemplify what it means to be great sportsman and leaders of a team. Jason and I wanted to congratulate these young men for this much appreciated display of showmanship and positive attitude. Thank you to Coach Stangel and Coach Shimek for your positive leadership by example on and off the field, it was noticed by many.

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Sheboygan Lutheran @ Hilbert
April 27, 2023

Listed here are four young men who appreciate and share positive sportsmanship with others: Mason Senkbeil and Asa Diener of Sheboygan Lutheran, and Coltin Casper and Zander Kopp of Hilbert. Thank you for supporting players from the other team by picking up their bats, offering them a kind word, and showing hustle after foul balls when it isn’t asked of you. Your kind gestures were noticed by the umpires and were greatly appreciated. I was especially impressed with Asa and Coltin as catchers of their teams in the positive conversations they had with opponents (obviously knew each other) and with me, the plate umpire. Thank you for the life lessons and car buying advice! Sheboygan Lutheran and Hilbert school district administrators should be proud of their respectful student athletes. Keep up the great work and have a fun season.

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson



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