Swimming & Diving (Girls) - Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association



News Releases

WIAA Division 1 Girl's Swimming and Diving Qualifiers Posted

State Qualifiers for the 2012 Division 1 WIAA State Swimming and Diving Championships have now been posted.  Results from the Division 1 Sectionals along with the qualifiers can be found on the WIAA website <<wiaawi.org>> on the Girl's Swimming and Diving webpage.

The Division 1 meet will be held at the UW Natatorium on the University of Wisconsin--Madison campus.  The Diving competition begins at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 10, with the swimming meet set to get underway at 3:00 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for $6.

WIAA Division 2 Swimming and Diving State Qualifiers Posted

State Qualifiers for the WIAA Division 2 State Meet have now been posted.  Results of each Sectional Meet along with the State Qualifiers can be found on the Swimming and Diving page of the WIAA website <<wiaawi.org>>.

 The WIAA Division 2 State Meet will be held at the UW Natatorium on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on Friday, November 9.  The diving competition begins at 2:30 p.m., while swimming starts at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets for the State Meet are available at the door for $6.

WIAA Sectional Diving Results Posted

All of the 2012 WIAA Girl's Diving Sectional results are now posted on the Swimming and Diving webpage of the WIAA's website ,,wiaawi.org>>.

Swimming results will be posted following completion of meets on Saturday, November 3, 2012.  There are six Division 1 meets and four Division 2 meets.  

Division 1 Sectional Swimming meets are being held at Hudson, Neenah, Middleton, Cedarburg, Waukesha South and Kenosha Tremper (Rec Plex).  Division 2 Sectional Swimming meets will be conducted at Stevens Point (UWSP), Baraboo, Plymouth, and Cudahy.

WIAA Girl's Swimming and Diving: Sectional Psych Sheets on WIAA Website

WIAA Sectional Psych Sheets are now available on the WIAA Girl's Swimming and Diving webpage. 

Sectional Diving meets will be held on Friday, November 2 in Hudson, Neenah, Waukesha South, Kenosha Tremper, Cedarburg and Plymouth.  Swimming Sectionals will be held on Saturday, November 3 at Hudson, UW-Stevens Point, Neenah, Middleton, Baraboo, Waukesha South, Kenosha Tremper, Cudahy, Plymouth and Cedarburg.

If there are any corrections regarding these Psych Sheets, please contact Tom Shafranski at [email protected] or by calling (715) 344-8580.

WIAA Girl's Swimming and Diving Entries Due at Noon Today

The 43rd WIAA Girl's Swimming and Diving tournament series gets underway at 12 Sectional sites this Friday and Saturday, November 2 and 3.  Entries for all swimming and diving events are due by noon today on Direct Athletics. 

Sectional psyc sheets for each meet will be available on the WIAA Swimming and Diving webpage later this afternoon.

Athletic Directors and/or swimming and diving coaches with questions regarding the WIAA Swimming and Diving tournament series should contact Tom Shafranski, WIAA liaison for swimming and diving.  He can be reached via email at [email protected] or by calling 715-344-8580.

NFHS Swimming/Diving Shaving Rule Reminder

Each season the WIAA provides member swimming and diving schools a reminder of NFHS Rule 3-5-7 regarding on-site shaving.

This regulation indicates "no team personnel/competitor shall perform any on-site shaving before, during or after the meet."  The penalty for violation of this NFHS Rule is disqualification from further participation for on-site shaving.  This penalty does not carry over to the State Championship Meet as it is associated with the NFHS communicable disease policy.

For additional information regarding on-site shaving, please contact Tom Shafranski, WIAA liaison for swimming and diving, at the WIAA office.

Reminders as the School Year Begins

As the fall season begins with practice, we would like to remind you of several items. Transfer students - always consider all transfer students ineligible until they have been cleared for transfer, code of conduct, and academic eligibility.  Your returning students – check their academic eligibility before competing and have your coaches meet with you again before the first contest to be sure an athlete did not join the team after the initial academic review.  Foreign Exchange students - Be sure to communicate with your guidance counselor and principal to see if you have any foreign exchange students who wish to participate in athletics. Collect Required Documentation Before Practice or Competition. Health and Safety – Have your coaches review the material on the WIAA Health Page.  Performance Enhancing Substances – PES is not limited to just steroids.  

More Rules Videos Available

The soccer, cross country and volleyball rules videos are now posted.  Coaches and officials are encouraged to access the rules videos and exams and begin to complete this task prior to the start of fall practices.

In order to access the videos and exams, an individual must login to the website.  To login, click the gray LOGIN box in the upper righthand corner of the website.  Your email address will be your USERNAME.  If you don't know your password, simply click RETRIEVE PASSWORD.  If you don't get an email with that login information within 10 minutes, please click on one of the following links to send us a brief email requesting the password.

If possible, we recommend that you use an internet browser other than Internet Explorer 9 at this time.

Coach - need password?  Click here.

Official - need password?  Click here.

Rules Videos Available

The football, swim/dive, tennis and golf rules videos are now available.  Coaches and officials should login and access the videos under either the SCHOOLS TAB or OFFICIALS TAB on the menu bar.

Following the completion of the video, coaches are asked to print the certificate as proof of completing the exam and give a copy of the certificate to their athletic director.

Soccer, volleyball, and cross country videos will be available August 1.


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