Sportsmanship - Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association



News Releases

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Fond du Lac @ Kimberly
May 17, 2018

Just a note of gratitude for the fine sportsmanship that was displayed by the team members of your varsity baseball programs.  Both teams demonstrated positive sportsmanship throughout the entire contest. The acts of leadership Julian Murillo of Fond du Lac and John Nett of Kimberly displayed during the contest were noticed.  Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this contest.

Reporting Official:  Phil Punzel

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Fox Valley Lutheran @ Freedom
May 15, 2018

Isaac Gerhardt of FVL and both Noah Taege and Jack Williams of Freedom were the clear “example setters” for their teams during this contest.  Each of them showed lots of hustle, excellent sportsmanship while interacting with opponents, coaches and umpires, and they spent a little extra time helping me after numerous plays by retrieving a bat or a foul ball.  Both the communities of Freedom and Appleton should be proud to have student athletes who act in this manner.  We as umpires appreciate the positive atmosphere they create on the field.  Thank you to all involved and best of luck in the playoffs!

Reporting Official: Brett Thompson

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Wrightstown @ Oconto Falls
May 8, 2018

My partner and I were treated to an exceptional display of sportsmanship by both teams. Coach Chuck Verbeten from Wrightstown and Coach Cory Albrecht from Oconto Falls have teams that are competitive, but also display excellent sportsmanship. Please and thank you were the normal words of conversation between the catchers and batters. Both coaches should be proud of their team’s high standards that were proudly displayed. One lady presented the most leadership on the field during both games of the doubleheader. Bridget Froehlke of Wrightstown stood out among both teams as a true leader. She was the spark of enthusiasm for Wrightstown. Her positive comments to all of the players on both teams were commendable. Wrightstown’s AD Bob Caelwaerts and Principal Scott Thompson should be proud of this student leader. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this exceptional presentation of sportsmanship.

Reporting Official:  James Kostura

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Niagara @ Crivitz
May 10, 2018

We were presented with excellent sportsmanship displayed by both coaches. The coaches for Crivitz and Niagara need to be acknowledged. They not only encouraged their players on their teams to play a better game, but when the other team performed outstanding, they would let the other team’s player know that they were impressed with the player’s actions. Never a discouraging word. Both coaches exhibited the pinnacle of what a coach should be. I know why Crivitz and Niagara school systems selected these coaches. I understand why these coaches have longevity at these schools. I want to thank Crivitz Coach Arlin Grandaw and Niagara Coach Duane Blagec for an exciting and pleasant afternoon of softball.

Reporting Official:  James Kostura

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

West De Pere @ Seymour 
May 8, 2018

Many acts of positive sportsmanship were observed.  West DePere players Kaden Kosobucki and Cory Timm showed excellent sportsmanship during their plate appearances. Seymour players Owen Geurts and Trent Blake showed numerous positive acts of sportsmanship throughout the contest.  Phil and I wanted to congratulate these young men, their coaches, and their parents for their excellent display of positive sportsmanship at an education based athletic event. Best of luck to both teams in the playoffs and keep up the great work.

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Whitewater @ Turner
May 9, 2018

We want to commend Coach Peters from Turner and Coach Sdano from Whitewater on an excellent ball game. Their players, fans and coaching staffs were wonderful. This was the true meaning of sportsmanship! Congratulations to both schools involved. They have a lot to be very proud of!

Reporting Official:  Chris Nicholson

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Mosinee @ Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln
May 4, 2018

My partner and I would like to take the time to congratulate both Wisconsin Rapids and Mosinee for their demonstration of positve sportsmanship. Athletic Director John Frizzell was on site when we arrived and greeted us with a smile and a warm welcome. Both team coaches (Holberg and Felch) and their assistants focused on coaching their players during the game and all we heard was postive encouragement and reinforcement from them. Coach Holberg requested one appealable play in a professional manner and when he heard the results of our final decision he accepted it and moved on. We also want to recognize the players from both teams that thanked us everytime we dusted off the plate or bases and thanked us at the end of the night for officiating as we exited the field. The community of Wisconsin Rapids can take pride as well with the spectators cheering on the players and letting the officials officiate all night long. All in all, it was a great game to be apart of and the positive life lessons these players are learning will help them be good citizens as well.

Reporting Official:  Wayne Hannes

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Xavier @ New London
April 26, 2018

This was a great softball game that came down to the very end. Although the softball was great, the sportsmanship by the players, coaches, and fans was even better. The players picked up the bats for each other, they complimented each other, they even joked with each other on the bases from time-to-time. The coaches were also excellent. One thing to note is how encouraging the coaches were to there players throughout the game. Lastly, we had several fans compliment us on the way out of the venue and even had a lady yell to us as we were leaving and ran up to us so that she could comment on how positive we were with the players throughout the game.  We commend these two schools for promoting positive sportsmanship with their players, their coaches, and their fans. Job well done!!

Reporting Official:  Lance Bagstad

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Appleton East @ Neenah
May 3, 2018

I wanted to take the time to recognize the players and coaches of your varsity baseball programs.  Coach Piepenbrink of Neenah and Coach Reed of Appleton East are fine examples of coaches that teach. Throughout the entire contest they encouraged their players by instructing them on how to get better. Jack Carlson the catcher from Neenah and Jack Habeck the pitcher from Appleton East showed grit and determination throughout the entire contest. The manner in which they encouraged their teammates with their positive words and hustle were noticed.

Reporting Official:  Phil Punzel

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball

Colfax @ Boyceville
May 1, 2018

We would like to recognize both teams for good sportsmanship, not just one player but all players, Colfax and Coach Dickerson’s showed great team play during the game, and Boyceville also showed nothing but respect to all. Have a great rest of the year teams.

Reporting Official:  Pat Plumer


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