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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

Hortonville @ Appleton East
Oct. 5, 2021

Throughout the game, Will Smestad, the captain wearing #12, showed great leadership, positive attitude and comraderie Multiple times when fouls had been called, his teammates would get worked up, upset and would start making comments towards the center referee and he would immediately stop their comments and get them engaged back into the game. I did thank him and gave him congrats for his positive attitude after the game. While it is something little, it is great to see the leadership and positive reinforcement from a captain. I don't think the positive feedback is always given and reported and wanted to shed light on how the little situations truly can have a big impact. Well done #12.

Reporting Official:  Mariel Bohnstock

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

Oconomowoc @ Waukesha West
Sept. 28, 2021

Last night might have been the most enjoyable from a sporting perspective that we've experienced. There was no complaining about anything, players made a point of helping their opponents up and checking on them if they had a collision to make sure they were OK. On the couple occasions where we had to do a restart due to an injury, the players from each team determined how it would occur and made sure everyone knew what was happening. A very enjoyable evening, both teams should be commended!

Reporting Official:  Mark Herdeman

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Niagara/Goodman/Pembine @ Crandon
Sept 24, 2021

We wish to extend our appreciation to Athletic Director Brady Weber and Principal Josh Jaeger for their excellent communication and hospitality. Each teams’ coaching staff were respectful, positively motivating their players as many played both offense and defense. Head coaches Dan Witman and Brian Bousley and their staff did a great job managing their sidelines and keeping the restricted area clean during the play. Players’ actions showcased outstanding leadership and positive sportsmanship. Each team played and hit hard while encouraging members of their own and opposing teams. The captains and players did an exceptional job asking questions and motivating their teammates while helping players off the muddy turf. Each community’s fans positively cheered and modeled proper sportsmanship behavior. On big plays one could hear the cheers with no negative comments being heard about the opposing team or officials. Plus, the game announcer did a fantastic job of presenting the action on the field and making the contest more entertaining. Our crew applauds the positive sportsmanship displayed by the Crandon Cardinals and the Niagara Co-op Predators players, coaches, and communities. Our hats off to Coach Witman and Bousley as they teach the most important skill of positive sportsmanship! We know these are very challenging times and wish both teams continued success. Please stay healthy and happy!

Reporting Official: Shawn Umland

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Howards Grove @ Random Lake
Sept. 24, 2021

By far the best sportsmanship we had up to this point in the varsity football season. Both teams, players and coaches alike, had positive interactions with the officials as well as their opponents. Despite the fact that Random Lake lost the game, they never got "chippy" in frustration (which is unfortunately becoming more and more common recently). I was extremely impressed by the coach of Howards Grove who rather than grumble about a called penalty simply asked how he could best coach his players to prevent similar penalties in the future. Best of luck to both teams both on the field and in the classroom.

Reporting Official:  James Adamson


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